frekansta kariyer

Are You Dedicated, Hardworking and Fun? Join us!


Frekans Makina bünyesinde bizimle çalışmak mı? istiyorsun!

As a company focused on raising leaders, we knit our human resources policies in line with this value and aim to create all kinds of opportunities for individual development, high performance and success for our employees.

A person who is hired at Frequency Machinery is evaluated not only for the position he will be employed for, but also as a Frequent who will be the manager of the future. People who have the desire and potential to be the manager of the future join the Frequency Machine team. In other words, we train Frequent managers from within!

Open positions

You can see the open positions you can apply for below. Please fill out the form for Internship Applications.

Internship application

Frekans Makina – Denizli

stajyer alımı

How the Recruitment Process Proceeds.

Contact Us

Contact us for a free consultation Our engineers and experts will assist you in cable production machinery and other issues.
